Tuesday 31 January 2012

Make it look it easy, and eventually it will be...

So this odd new found philosophy may sound odd but I really think its possible. I was at Tai Chi last night doing i form i know when my Sifu told me to go lower and work my legs. Initially i thought my legs were going to fall off and dye and i would collapse on my side in pain while my recently lost limbs would cry abuse and throw insults at me and the Sifu. Oddly enough this did not happened, and i tried to be a good student and look undercontroll and eventually this mentality took over and i managed the forms with maintaining my body intact throught the whole process.

The same applied today for meditating, i just couldnt get into it, so i pretended it was working and eventually my mind slipped into nothingness and i was all good.

My point it, we underestimate ourselves ALOT, we are such capable creature without a doubt! and all it takes me is a little acting and my persona switches.

Anyway must share a funny story quick, while running this after noon with my dog bella(2yr old golden retriver) there was a vibrator on the side of the road. Now sadly Bella noticed this before me and i was pulled in the direction of a pink looking stick. Once i came to my senses i hopped clear over it yelping and screaming rather loudly seeing as my earphones were in "nasty nasty, no Bella do NOT fetch'' the neighbours must think im crazy! It was rather odd as she kept looking over her shoulder while we ran. I need to sit down and have the chat with my dog.

Anyway, thats my oddness for the day, who ever is listening, hope you have an amazing day fulled of potential harnessed.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting post...I love Golden Retrievers...and you DO have adventures! Whew! Jack
