Sunday 22 January 2012

Let me explain...

Ok so 'The Adventure of Self Discovery of a Waterwitch' has meaning to its name.

Firstly Waterwitch, my definition of a Witch is a female of strong will, ambition and determination that has in her life been through struggle due to being different or alternative, as well as having spiritual connection and pure intentions. Examples are Joan of Arc, Hypatia the philosopher to name a few. I find myself relating to woman like this and highly admiring them.

The Water thing for me is very involved, its my element. Not a day goes by when I don't think about this amazing and inspiring element! It reminds me of my beliefs, character and dreams.

The words Self Discovery is the point of this blog. I have made a promise to myself to become the best me possible, for myself and other. Physically, emotionally, practically and spiritually.

Adventure. This word for me is like rainfall to a dessert. It reminds me about what my life is and who I am.

So this is it now, strangely enough also the start of the Chinnese new year. The year of the water dragon! I am embarking on an exciting but challenging journey!

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