Wednesday 25 January 2012

Cultivate the energy. . .

That is one of the principles of Tai Chi. One huge aspect of my life is Tai Chi , it is a calm defensive martial kept secret for years in China and recently bought out into our globally connected world. In one word I describe it as spherical. It works in every sphere of your life, socially, physically emotionally....and so much more. It has opened my eye to things so simple as how to breath to thing as complex as the intergrated energies of a human body and it is connected t the universe.

I do Tai Chi three times a week and really try to practice each day, 2 nights ago at Tai Chi, my hands started glowing red and white and became very warm. My Sifu says that this is Chi or energy and then called me healing hands he said if i have and sore part of my body that putting my hands there would help. I put my hands on this one lady there who has back problems, she says my hands were like a hot water bottle, really hope it helps.

Any way, enough on Tai Chi.

Life is looking good Im healthy, ran again today, been meditating every day...

A special shout out to my Fairychild, every Waterwitch has a Fairychild and mine is Charne, awesome friend and beautiful inside and out.


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