Friday 27 January 2012

When shit happens, use it as fertiliser....

So we all know life isn't perfect ...duh, but i have always believed the true test of character is how you deal with negativities and how you move on from them.

I'll be honest in the realm of friends life has sucked just a little lately, i have a best friend who is a guy and he has a girl friend. I always got on with her and would go to call her a good friend, but recently she sent me all the hate mail and talk ill of me to my best friend and others. She made horrible accusations and when i wrote her a long sincere letter about how i just wanted to be friends she completely ignored it. I love my best friend like a brother and his girl friend doesnt want me around, Im ok with this as i dont believe in negativity and hatred, but the whole thing has been blown out proportion, involved to many people and many refuse to end it. So i have removed myself. May i loose friends or my best friend? I pray not but i will not be abused and neglected.

I took this fertiliser and now use it to be the better person and grow my character.

I am moving past that, although today may have involved a chocolate and half a burger i still ran and meditated and found my self to be in a sane state.

I will retain my healthyness tommorow indeed!

Any way


1 comment:

  1. Many, many people the world over should read this post, and follow your example. You are wise to remove yourself from difficult people. your love for your friend will never be effected. Go girl!
