Tuesday 7 February 2012

What the water gave me . . .

So varsity orientation week is in full swing and I'm loving it, not for the excessive drinking and parties, but for the amazing wholesome vibe on campus that is so energetically inspiring. I join the swim team, I did swimming at school and long distance by myself, but this I feel will some how be different.

Bella and Genna
I went to gym today and swam, then when driving into my drive way the wonderful Bella (goldenretriver) escaped! This resulted in me chasing her up and down the road screaming profound words and simultaniously promising to kill her when i caught her...hmmm maybe that's why i couldn't get her?? It lasted for about 20minutes running up and down our street after a streneous gym sesh. My amazing (take note Bella) labradore Genna just sat at the drive way entrance watching us run like a pair of loons. Genna is such a good dog.
Bella, should of been called inbreed, misfit, useless puppy!

Dont get me wrong I love my muts to bits, they like family.

If you like music, the slightly alternative stuff, Florence and the Machine is amazing, recently been my muse.
My favourite song, its this entries heading.

Anyway im off to sleep...
Hope good fortune comes all your ways


1 comment:

  1. I laughed so, when I read this post! I have a Sheltie that is so passively stubborn, it made me think of her! Good job on your running and cursing..never mind the neighbors, they'll get over it! (-:
