Thursday 9 February 2012

When a wise soul approaches you. . .

So it is still orientation week at university. The main purpose of this is to drink and join clubs. I have joined the swimming club as this is my sport. Oddly enough when walking out of this one textbook store on campus a man approach me , he istanly reminded me of yoda from starwars. He spoke to me of the Yoga club and i think he has convinced me to join, i have not yet made up my mind but he seemed like and old, kind wise soul. I sappose when one studies something as strenous as medicine one will need away to unwind.

Any way, in other news im doing a first Aid course over the weekend.

Quote that got me thinking. . .What ever you do while alive, must be worth dying for, then every moment will be well spent

May your days be full of funny moments that you enjoy.

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