Thursday 9 February 2012

When a wise soul approaches you. . .

So it is still orientation week at university. The main purpose of this is to drink and join clubs. I have joined the swimming club as this is my sport. Oddly enough when walking out of this one textbook store on campus a man approach me , he istanly reminded me of yoda from starwars. He spoke to me of the Yoga club and i think he has convinced me to join, i have not yet made up my mind but he seemed like and old, kind wise soul. I sappose when one studies something as strenous as medicine one will need away to unwind.

Any way, in other news im doing a first Aid course over the weekend.

Quote that got me thinking. . .What ever you do while alive, must be worth dying for, then every moment will be well spent

May your days be full of funny moments that you enjoy.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

What the water gave me . . .

So varsity orientation week is in full swing and I'm loving it, not for the excessive drinking and parties, but for the amazing wholesome vibe on campus that is so energetically inspiring. I join the swim team, I did swimming at school and long distance by myself, but this I feel will some how be different.

Bella and Genna
I went to gym today and swam, then when driving into my drive way the wonderful Bella (goldenretriver) escaped! This resulted in me chasing her up and down the road screaming profound words and simultaniously promising to kill her when i caught her...hmmm maybe that's why i couldn't get her?? It lasted for about 20minutes running up and down our street after a streneous gym sesh. My amazing (take note Bella) labradore Genna just sat at the drive way entrance watching us run like a pair of loons. Genna is such a good dog.
Bella, should of been called inbreed, misfit, useless puppy!

Dont get me wrong I love my muts to bits, they like family.

If you like music, the slightly alternative stuff, Florence and the Machine is amazing, recently been my muse.
My favourite song, its this entries heading.

Anyway im off to sleep...
Hope good fortune comes all your ways


Tuesday 31 January 2012

Make it look it easy, and eventually it will be...

So this odd new found philosophy may sound odd but I really think its possible. I was at Tai Chi last night doing i form i know when my Sifu told me to go lower and work my legs. Initially i thought my legs were going to fall off and dye and i would collapse on my side in pain while my recently lost limbs would cry abuse and throw insults at me and the Sifu. Oddly enough this did not happened, and i tried to be a good student and look undercontroll and eventually this mentality took over and i managed the forms with maintaining my body intact throught the whole process.

The same applied today for meditating, i just couldnt get into it, so i pretended it was working and eventually my mind slipped into nothingness and i was all good.

My point it, we underestimate ourselves ALOT, we are such capable creature without a doubt! and all it takes me is a little acting and my persona switches.

Anyway must share a funny story quick, while running this after noon with my dog bella(2yr old golden retriver) there was a vibrator on the side of the road. Now sadly Bella noticed this before me and i was pulled in the direction of a pink looking stick. Once i came to my senses i hopped clear over it yelping and screaming rather loudly seeing as my earphones were in "nasty nasty, no Bella do NOT fetch'' the neighbours must think im crazy! It was rather odd as she kept looking over her shoulder while we ran. I need to sit down and have the chat with my dog.

Anyway, thats my oddness for the day, who ever is listening, hope you have an amazing day fulled of potential harnessed.


Monday 30 January 2012

Feng Shui...and good juju

So this weekend I cleaned out, my friends will tell you my room being this organised is an unusual site but none the less it shall become one. I got ride of a lot of stuff and vacumed like there is no tommorow. I googled a bunch of FendShui rules, altough not all of them possible i did make some changes. I slept very well last night unlike ever before:)

Friday 27 January 2012

When shit happens, use it as fertiliser....

So we all know life isn't perfect ...duh, but i have always believed the true test of character is how you deal with negativities and how you move on from them.

I'll be honest in the realm of friends life has sucked just a little lately, i have a best friend who is a guy and he has a girl friend. I always got on with her and would go to call her a good friend, but recently she sent me all the hate mail and talk ill of me to my best friend and others. She made horrible accusations and when i wrote her a long sincere letter about how i just wanted to be friends she completely ignored it. I love my best friend like a brother and his girl friend doesnt want me around, Im ok with this as i dont believe in negativity and hatred, but the whole thing has been blown out proportion, involved to many people and many refuse to end it. So i have removed myself. May i loose friends or my best friend? I pray not but i will not be abused and neglected.

I took this fertiliser and now use it to be the better person and grow my character.

I am moving past that, although today may have involved a chocolate and half a burger i still ran and meditated and found my self to be in a sane state.

I will retain my healthyness tommorow indeed!

Any way


Thursday 26 January 2012

For Better or ....

So today was my first day at varsity! Before the day began i have been really excited about starting, it'll sound weird but i enjoy studying, i thrive off the challenge and i always see the best of me come out in myself. I am no stranger to self sacrafice so the idea of missing a few gatherings with friends to well doesnt scare me off. The thing is im not one of those gifted children that just gets the work, i work very very hard, and occationally preparation meeets oppertunity and im lucky.

So im in the Health Science Faculty doing Bachelor of Human Sciences in the Biomedical track, it offers many oppertunities and is widely structured. I have considered being a doctor but recently been thinking over it since my rejection. I love biology and believe i am compassionate but maybe the 'dr'scene isnt me. This biomed degree offers good subjects so ill do those and then maybe look at physio or biokineticist and kinesiology. The one lady telling us about the biomed really got my friends down and that affected me but i shall stay positive and never give up giving 100%! I have a REVE (dream) i will reacdh it!

Shall meditate on this tonight


Wednesday 25 January 2012

Thank you for everything. . .

I am a very fortunate person, growing up in Africa you are always very close to poverty and the underprivledged so the fact you are so lucky never leaves your concious mind.

My family especially my mom
My friends, Nic, Kris, Monti, Char, Jeff, Mike, Mari, Victor, Brandon, Jean, Lloyd...know ive forgetten someone
My boyfriend(i hate that word) my opposite and assurance. Samuel:)
My spirituality
My health
My mind
My freedom.
My role modules

Off to meditate now.

Tomorow is my first day at university, very excited.
